A secret to winning

We all want to win in our relationships, investments, love. But winning is often counterintuitive. And we can sum it up like this. To win, you must be willing to lose. You see, in relationships, we want to be right or argue our point or make people see our way, our hurts, our pain, our…More

When I made one of the biggest bets in my life

Sometimes you need to abandon plan b and go all in. I recently read this 2013 article on Steve Job’s presentation of a lifetime. It was for the first iPhone. It was monumental, legendary, historic. Yet the article outlines all of the things that could have gone wrong (how the multitouch, making a call and…More

To live your best life, be wrong more

Often we worry about being right. But I think we should be spending more time being wrong. Because sometimes, in life, being wrong is the most right you can be. This sounds strange, I know. But that doesn’t mean it’s false. You see, we live in a world that is obsessed with being right. The…More

Failing as a father

One of my greatest fears is to ruin my kids with my parenting. You don’t have to be a parent to understand that fear. But when you are one, it just makes it more visceral, possible—real. I’ve got two sons. They’re great. They love to play, roughhouse, laugh—all the good stuff kids typically do. There…More

Is remote learning hurting my kid?

The school year kicked off and it’s nerve wracking. Many classrooms are empty and our living rooms have replaced them. Our kids are sitting in front of a device all day, and they aren’t physically interacting with anyone. They’re remote learning. And we, parents, are wondering, Will our kids remotely learning anything? And let’s face…More

Use your mind to change your brain: changing your temperament

We all have aspects of ourselves, our temperament, that we wish we could change. Me—I’ve had a temper all of my life. It can get ugly. But that’s not the most interesting part. What is is that it has changed, improved as I’ve aged. I get angry less and with less intensity. I ultimately attribute…More

We started a podcast

So…a friend and I started a podcast. There’s a lot of confessing, challenging, a bit of conflict, and a touch of cussing. But most of all it’s a conversation between friends. This project grew out of years of relationship and talking about our ventures and missteps and learnings and stories. And we want to share…More

You’re rich

Do you feel like you have something to prove? I do sometimes. I feel that urge to let people know that I’m doing ok; I’m successful; I’ve done something; I’m special. But why? Comparing ourselves to others is a killer. It kills our joys, our happiness, our richness. But I hope you free yourself from…More

Heal your wounds

The key to healing a wound is to move toward the pain. You know the relational or financial or emotional problems that happen in life. They hurt us. We’re wounded. But if you don’t face the uncomfortable, even agonizing conversations you don’t want to have with your partner, friend, mother, it only makes the relationship…More

You are not an imposter

You’re not an imposter; you’re just in-process. You might be a father learning to parent, an employee who is progressing in your career, an entrepreneur hustling to survive, or a couple trying to forge a healthy marriage. That’s good; that’s great. Life is a process. Anytime you try something, do something, go somewhere, you’re not…More