Sometimes rest is the best thing for your work

We want to succeed, improve our work, write better. So we grind away, working more, harder, believing that’s what we should do.  But that’s wrong.  Yes, we need to work hard. And yes, that often equates to long hours, dogged days, grinding away.  Yet, there are times when no matter how many hours you put…More

Failure is the secret to success

Failure doesn’t have to be the end; it can be a start to something better.   Failing sucks—no doubt. It’s something we all want to avoid. And after we’ve failed, we may be tempted to quit, stop trying, hide. But that would be a mistake. For greater success is forged from the ashes of failure.  He…More

One thing that helps you reach your potential

Sometimes who we are and who we want to be feel too far apart to do anything about. But that’s not true in many cases.  You can reach your potential.  It starts with these words.  “I can.” That simple phrase is the key to going further than we ever thought we could.  And yet many…More

Want to change your career? Do this.

Have you ever wondered if you should do something else for work? You can. Of course you can find work that you enjoy.  I’ve made my fair share of career changes, working at a church, a bank, and an interior design company before starting my company, a website design and development agency, specializing in Drupal…More

Can life and work really be balanced?

Work-life balance is a concept that doesn’t help us achieve what we really want. What it’s supposed to do is help us find a way to make a living as well as pursue other interests outside of work. But I don’t think it does that because it is so nebulous. How will I ever know…More

How can you be more entrepreneurial in your career?

Starting a company requires seeing the world differently. It’s like a lens that helps you see the world sharper, better, giving you a fresh view no matter which direction you look. With that perspective, a garbage can full of trash might even look like something amazing. It makes the ordinary and mundane somehow new and…More

What is it like starting a blog?

Starting a blog is stupid-hard. It’s kind of like cooking an elaborate meal every week, hoping someone will show up to join you, but then no one does. It’s always just you eating that food you worked so hard to make—alone. Slaving over a piece of writing doesn’t mean anyone will ever read it. And…More