How change can make the best of you now

Change is scary. But we can learn to face it and turn it to our advantage.  The reason we fear change is because we can’t control it. It often happens to us.  And we see it as adversarial: Change is the enemy and is messing with my life. Change is changing what I don’t want…More

A love poem to the haters

To the haters, It’s tempting to want to hate you back. But that’s useless.  It won’t help anything. All it does is perpetuate the hate between us. And that’s foolish.  Instead, I will say that I love you. I feel for you and with you. I sense your pain.  Isn’t that what causes the hate…More

Improve your life with this one simple word

“No.”  It’s hard to say it. It’s true.  We want to help everyone; we want them to like us; we don’t want them to think badly of us. So we say yes.  But the truth is that we can’t help anyone very well when we are overwhelmed. And always saying yes is overwhelming.  And that’s…More

The most exciting thing about boredom

Being bored is a gift; it’s an opportunity.  Boredom is space, freedom, capacity. It’s the ability to move around, try new things, learn, and, best of all, create.  When you’re busy, you are trapped. You have obligations, responsibilities. You have to do such and such for so and so.  When you’re bored, your time is…More