Finding purpose

What do you live for? It’s a simple question. But it’s one of the most difficult to answer. From my experience, many of us find meaning but few have purpose. Purpose is the belief or reason we have for living. It’s different from meaning. Meaning is about the significance or feeling of significance for something…More

Overcoming one of our greatest obstacles: ourselves

Our lives are determined not just by what we think but how we think. Before I started writing I used to believe I couldn’t write. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that my high school papers, after being graded, had so much red ink on them that they looked like someone…More

Savoring life

Life is short; enjoy today. This week an old friend’s wife died. It was sudden—tragic. She was young, around my age, too young to die. They likely had dreams of growing gray together, wrinkled, swinging on a creaky porch swing, talking about their grown kids and grandkids. Now that’s gone. See, life can sucker punch…More

One of the best ways to deal with uncertainty

Uncertainty is everywhere. And the best thing we can do isn’t fight it, try to force things to happen—control. No. Sometimes the best thing we can do is just do this—surrender. That’s not the same as giving up. You’re not quitting. Absolutely not! Surrendering is different. It’s not giving up; it’s giving in. And that’s…More

When things get bad, go long

These days it’s easy to think that everything’s crap. But that’s wrong. You need to go long. See, the short-term is crappy. Yes, the pandemic is still here. It’s swelling. There’s a second wave. It’s looking ugly, uglier every day. But, that’s shortsighted. You’ve got to look yonder. Over the horizon. Set your sights on…More

You’re rich

Do you feel like you have something to prove? I do sometimes. I feel that urge to let people know that I’m doing ok; I’m successful; I’ve done something; I’m special. But why? Comparing ourselves to others is a killer. It kills our joys, our happiness, our richness. But I hope you free yourself from…More

You can survive this time

Sometimes authority is wrong. In America, it’s woefully wrong about the pandemic. Everything is not ok. It’s not safe. I’m not trying to be a fear-monger. I’m just telling you the truth. I don’t want you to get sick. I don’t want you to spread this disease to your loved ones. Look, our leaders are…More

Heal your wounds

The key to healing a wound is to move toward the pain. You know the relational or financial or emotional problems that happen in life. They hurt us. We’re wounded. But if you don’t face the uncomfortable, even agonizing conversations you don’t want to have with your partner, friend, mother, it only makes the relationship…More

A better tomorrow is a choice

Your past isn’t you; and your future is always being made in the present. You’re walking potential. You’re becoming. You’re changing, growing, evolving. That is, if you choose to be. You’re not simply who everyone thinks you are. You’re not stuck. You’re not just you. Decide to make new relationships, form new habits, develop new…More

The pandemic isn’t over

It’s a matter of life or death. What is? This: Who you’re listening to. Don’t listen to the stories, the ideological frameworks, the politics, businesses, even your own urges. Everyone has their agenda; campaigners want to win campaigns; businesses want your money; government officials want to be voted back in office; you just want everything…More