When unlearning is the greatest lesson

Unlearning is sometimes the best learning you can do. For often you limit the understanding of how high you can climb or how far you can go or how great you can become; but those thoughts are often untrue, wrong. Examine them. Dismantle those limiting notions, the dark stories from your childhood, those demeaning words…More

The worst thing that happens to you often can lead to the best results

Sometimes the worst things that happen to us are the best opportunities. They are the gateways to greatness. Giving up is always an option. Or, you can fight and find a way through the difficulty. The former will lead to the status quo or worse. The latter can irrevocably change your life for the better.…More

You need to know this about failure to succeed

Failing isn’t just failure. It’s a sign that you are trying, attempting—alive. When you fail, it doesn’t mean you’re silly or a loser or even a failure. No. It says you tried doing something outside of your comfort zone. It means you’re an explorer, adventurer, believer. You’re courageous. You know that life isn’t just about…More

To succeed you need to know this

Failure is a part of the process of succeeding. You can’t have one without the other. So don’t despair when you don’t see the results you want, make a mistake on that project, or fail to find the right answer. Learn from it. Grow from it. Walk away stronger, smarter, better, and persist in pushing…More

This is one of the smartest things you can do

It’s easy to feel stupid when you’re trying something new. But you’re not. I’ve been there. I felt that when I started this blog, my businesses, and pretty much every other venture I’ve tried. But you are not stupid for trying. It would be stupid not to. There are too many people who’ve lived halfhearted…More

One of the best ways to get a growth mindset

Growth happens when we try something new. But starting that new thing can be difficult; sometimes it feels impossible. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. You can break free and grow in ways you never thought possible by doing this.   Experimenting. More

The one thing you need to make more of to grow: mistakes

Perfectionism doesn’t help us progress; mistakes do.  With the right mindset, they push us forward. We need to know that succeeding isn’t neat and tidy; it’s sloppy and messy. It’s mistake-ridden.  When you make a mistake, it lays the groundwork for improvement. Every failure is an attempt to do something. And in those attempts, you…More

Sometimes rest is the best thing for your work

We want to succeed, improve our work, write better. So we grind away, working more, harder, believing that’s what we should do.  But that’s wrong.  Yes, we need to work hard. And yes, that often equates to long hours, dogged days, grinding away.  Yet, there are times when no matter how many hours you put…More

You can conquer the fear of embarrassment

The fear of embarrassment is powerful, but it doesn’t have to overpower us. But sometimes it does. I know all about that. An episode of a TV show kept me from blogging. Let me explain. Billions, a show on Showtime, has a scene where two characters were talking about another person who got fired from…More

Failure is the secret to success

Failure doesn’t have to be the end; it can be a start to something better.   Failing sucks—no doubt. It’s something we all want to avoid. And after we’ve failed, we may be tempted to quit, stop trying, hide. But that would be a mistake. For greater success is forged from the ashes of failure.  He…More