How to love your life

To love the life you have, you must live a life of love. It’s easy to buy into the idea that the more we possess like money, homes, stuff, the happier we will be, but that’s not true. Being rich doesn’t make you feel rich. There’s always someone richer to make you feel poorer. And…More

Keep your New Year’s resolution by thinking like this

The size of your resolution isn’t what causes you to quit. It’s because you’re going too fast. If you slow down, you’ll have a better chance at keeping your resolution. Let me explain. Maybe you want to get super fit, or land a massive promotion, or make millions in your new business. Those are big…More

Are you limiting yourself?

Often we limit ourselves before we ever reach our limits. When we can grab a brilliant star, instead we choose to stand firmly on the ground, thinking about what’s more “realistic.” And, in that realism, we watch others achieve great heights, soaring brilliantly in the heavens of life, not realizing that that could be us—you.…More

Live your life

Too many of us live as if we were dead, but we need to live while we’re alive. This day is what you have. It’s a gift. You’re blessed. Take it and do the things you dream of, start it, try, begin. Don’t live in fear. Live out of faith. You’re alive, so stop spending…More