Become true for yourself

Don’t be true to yourself; be true to the truth. “Be authentic.” We hear it all of the time. It’s about being true to yourself. But often, being ourselves is the last thing we should be. Often we can be awful. We make mistakes, fail others, hurt our loved ones. I mean, sometimes, I’m a…More

To live your best life, be wrong more

Often we worry about being right. But I think we should be spending more time being wrong. Because sometimes, in life, being wrong is the most right you can be. This sounds strange, I know. But that doesn’t mean it’s false. You see, we live in a world that is obsessed with being right. The…More

Endings are new beginnings

By embracing the end, you will start to see new beginnings.  Sure, some endings are good, like getting out of a bad job or unhealthy relationships, etc. But I’m not talking about that.  I’m talking about the things we don’t want to end, the ones that aren’t good. It can be as trivial as a…More

Civil war? I doubt it

Everyone’s talking about it. It’s in vogue. It’s the “it” thing. You would think we are talking about a new gadget or the newest Tesla. But, no, we’re not.  We’re talking about this.  Civil war.  Yes, it’s a possibility—but so are Martians landing on Earth. Civil war is possible, but I don’t think it’s likely. …More

Failing as a father

One of my greatest fears is to ruin my kids with my parenting. You don’t have to be a parent to understand that fear. But when you are one, it just makes it more visceral, possible—real. I’ve got two sons. They’re great. They love to play, roughhouse, laugh—all the good stuff kids typically do. There…More