This is the best way to succeed

Failure isn’t an event; it’s a state of mind. No one is truly a failure unless they give up. I’m not talking about quitting because sometimes you need to quit in order to succeed. Not every venture is worth your time: Sometimes you try something and you find that it’s not working, so it’s good…More

This Is One of the Smartest Things You Can Do

To get smarter you have to feel stupid, sometimes. You ask the obvious question, repeat something back, relearn something you think you should have already learned. Sure, it can be embarrassing. But, to learn you have to be open to learning. And that means you’re not the master but the pupil, not the teacher but…More

This Is What Love Looks Like

I have an uncle that I admire. His name is Rick. You probably don’t know him. But, if you did, you would sense that he’s different. He’s one of the most loving guys I know. And we can all learn from him. When he wants to talk to my wife or me, he will call…More

One of the smartest things you can do

Getting smarter isn’t about knowing everything, it’s about admitting what you don’t know. “I don’t know,” is such a simple phrase, but many of us have difficulty saying it to ourselves let alone to others. It makes us feel weak, vulnerable, stupid. But you’re not. It’s the furthest thing from the truth. Saying “I don’t…More

You are rich

If you can’t enjoy what you have, you’ll never appreciate what you want. If you learn to feel rich in every moment, getting what you hope for will only make you richer. Gratitude gives you abundance even when you may have relatively little. And if you have nothing, you can still be grateful for life.…More

Live your life

Too many of us live as if we were dead, but we need to live while we’re alive. This day is what you have. It’s a gift. You’re blessed. Take it and do the things you dream of, start it, try, begin. Don’t live in fear. Live out of faith. You’re alive, so stop spending…More

The most important thing that should matter to you

What matters, really? Your life does. The very fact you get to breathe, wake up, chit chat with your neighbors is paramount. Without it everything else wouldn’t matter. Another thing that matters are relationships, getting to be with loved ones, the people who really love you and whom you love—for whom you would die—and know.…More

You need to know that you’re more than just you

“Just” is a word we should use sparingly with ourselves. “I’m just a mom,” or “I’m just an employee,” or “I’m just a woman,” or “I’m just a child.” “Just” limits you. It strips away the potential you have, what you can reach. You aren’t just you. You are becoming, always. You are changing, growing,…More

This is the one person we often forget to love

Speak gently and lovingly to yourself today. No matter what you did or didn’t do, don’t yell at yourself. Say something encouraging, tell yourself that it will be ok. That mistake you made isn’t you. You aren’t what you do. You’re more than that. You’re a child of God, a human being. You’re who you are. Love…More

I want to see you happy

Your face aglow with a radiance blazing from within, rich with joy and satisfaction, is what I wish to see. May you be filled with a flourishing—not from your possessions, fulfilled with more than just things, wealth, or fame—that comes from a secret knowledge, a mysterious knowing—Love. Being loved faithfully, unwaveringly, deeply is richness that…More