This is what you need to create

Uninterrupted time is the fodder for creativity. As yeast is to bread, solitude is to the creative process—essential. Without the quiet moments and lingering stillness, words that move us wouldn’t be as moving, paintings that stir us wouldn’t be as stirring, inventions that help us wouldn’t be as helpful. Creation best happens in the quiet…More

Improve your life one day at a time

We all want to get better, reach our goals, live better lives. But getting there is so freaking hard. When we think about growing a business, getting healthy, getting a promotion, saving for retirement, etc. it can feel daunting, overwhelming. And no matter how much we don’t want to, we can end up quitting. But…More

What is it like starting a blog?

Starting a blog is stupid-hard. It’s kind of like cooking an elaborate meal every week, hoping someone will show up to join you, but then no one does. It’s always just you eating that food you worked so hard to make—alone. Slaving over a piece of writing doesn’t mean anyone will ever read it. And…More

A secret for surviving in business

This week I was on a radio show. And I started wondering how the radio business works. I knew that it sold ads and branded content, but I didn’t know how they could be surviving in the age of digital media.More