Do you know how valuable your time is?

No matter how much you can charge per hour, $1000 or $10, your time is precious. It’s the one resource you will pine for most at the end of your life. Money, houses, or stuff won’t be what you want, no—it’s more time. Don’t just spend it well; invest it wisely. Consider your hours thoughtfully.…More

Do you know how powerful your words are?

What we say to ourselves shapes us. The words you use form the way you think, and the way you think changes how you behave, and the way you behave affects how you live, and the way you live can transform your life. Well-chosen words breathe hope into us when our spirits are broken, revive…More

You can make today a better day

Don’t let the day make you. You can make the day. Today isn’t fixed, set, immovable. You can change it, mold it, move it. Yes, you can’t manipulate time. It’s immovable–unstoppable. But you can start to arrange how you spend your time. What you do with your hours, minutes, and seconds is in your hands,…More