Your world is changing: Dealing with Coronavirus

Quarantine, pandemic, respiratory droplets, contagious, viral (in a bad way), and death are words swirling around the media, and we shouldn’t ignore them.  My family basically hasn’t left our NYC apartment for a week. My last venture out to a destination where people congregated, like a restaurant, was with a friend at a ramen shop…More

Waiting well will transform your life

Waiting feels terrible. But when we wait well, magic happens. Growing, improving, changing doesn’t happen quickly. We know that. But for some reason, we still get impatient and disappointed when it doesn’t happen when we want it to, which often means yesterday. And we know that we must wait. But what we often fail to…More

The power of starting

With every second that passes, you are one moment away from changing your life. Really. That project you always wanted to do, the career path you always wanted to pursue, growing more fit, exercising your faith, becoming a better person are all before you, right now, this instant. All you have to do is this:…More

You are rich

If you can’t enjoy what you have, you’ll never appreciate what you want. If you learn to feel rich in every moment, getting what you hope for will only make you richer. Gratitude gives you abundance even when you may have relatively little. And if you have nothing, you can still be grateful for life.…More

Keep your New Year’s resolution by thinking like this

The size of your resolution isn’t what causes you to quit. It’s because you’re going too fast. If you slow down, you’ll have a better chance at keeping your resolution. Let me explain. Maybe you want to get super fit, or land a massive promotion, or make millions in your new business. Those are big…More

One of the best friends you should have

We are often our own worst enemy because we haven’t learned how to be our own greatest friend: We criticize ourselves when we should encourage, rage against when we should extend peace, yell at when we should listen, hate when we should love. We shouldn’t just be kind to ourselves; we need to support and…More

Are you living for the right person?

We all live for people. But are you living for the right person? Maybe you became a buttoned-up lawyer because your parents “made” you, when you really wanted to be an artist in paint-covered jeans, flicking the perfect strokes like Bob Ross, but it was too “impractical.” Now, you’re miserable.  Or, maybe you’re feeling frantic…More

I want you to be blessed

Peace. Let it wash over you, soothing you like an embrace of a loved one, as you ease yourself into this vision. You are in a beautiful garden, surrounded by blooming flowers, red, orange, violet, indigo, yellow. The green is greener than you’ve ever seen it, covering rolling hills, treetops, bushes. It’s vibrant and rich.…More

Today is the most powerful day you have

Today you can start changing your life. Right now. This moment. The career change you wanted to make, the life partner you wanted to find, the blog you’ve talked about starting, today you can do something about them.  The past needn’t define you. The present is everyone’s opportunity to redefine themselves.  The future is too…More

One of the most powerful things you can do for yourself: Forgive

We all make mistakes, and we forgive others. But often forgiving ourselves is harder.  But we must.  Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s that thing you did or continue doing that you can’t release and forgive yourself. Instead, you punish.  I know all about that.  Defiance marked my teenage face, as I screamed…More