How I stay fit in my forties 

(Before I start, I should emphasis that what I share in this post is about how I stay fit. Some of what I do is a bit extreme and probably shouldn’t apply to you.)  Staying fit when you’re older can be harder than getting fit.  There are temptations and weird mind games we play with…More

Longevity: thoughts about living a long life from Ikigai

Do you want to live longer, you know, have longevity?  Me too.  So I read Ikigai, by Hector Garcia, Francesc Miralles. Here are highlights I found most helpful. To understand longevity, the writers studied blue zones, which are areas in the world where the greatest concentrations of centenarians live. The highest ranking one is Okinawa, Japan.…More

A time to grieve

Grieving can be one of the best things we can do. Life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes it almost kills us. Sometimes it sends a pandemic. Those are the times we need to grieve. We need to face the terrible state of our life or the lives of others or our…More

How you can survive the pandemic

In this pandemic, our best medicine is to face reality. Reality is being true to the situation at hand, you know, that we are in the middle of a pandemic and being with people is highly risky, especially indoors, mask-less. “Facing reality” means more than intellectual ascent, but actually practicing what you know to be…More

Should I Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Headlines about vaccines are splattered all over the media these days. We, all of us, are on our toes with expectation, waiting for one to work. But we may be reaching. And even if one works, that doesn’t mean it’s safe. When I was younger, before this pandemic, I never thought about vaccines. When my…More

The greatest reward for pandemic risk

Assessing risk is hard anytime, but, in a pandemic, it’s even harder. But it’s paramount. People should think “The coronavirus kills and is unpredictable, so I should wear a mask, especially indoors, and socially distance so I don’t transmit or get infected and become a transmitter.” But many don’t. Especially in the US. People aren’t…More

We started a podcast

So…a friend and I started a podcast. There’s a lot of confessing, challenging, a bit of conflict, and a touch of cussing. But most of all it’s a conversation between friends. This project grew out of years of relationship and talking about our ventures and missteps and learnings and stories. And we want to share…More

Overcoming one of our greatest obstacles: ourselves

Our lives are determined not just by what we think but how we think. Before I started writing I used to believe I couldn’t write. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that my high school papers, after being graded, had so much red ink on them that they looked like someone…More

Cookies, covid, and a confession

Three words likely have never been seen together, but there they are, in the title, all alliterated, and weird. Let me explain. A couple of weeks ago we shipped the most amount of cookies since the start of our Clean Cookie Company, but covid slowed our shipments; and we’ve got to own the fact that…More

You’re rich

Do you feel like you have something to prove? I do sometimes. I feel that urge to let people know that I’m doing ok; I’m successful; I’ve done something; I’m special. But why? Comparing ourselves to others is a killer. It kills our joys, our happiness, our richness. But I hope you free yourself from…More