Live your life

Too many of us live as if we were dead, but we need to live while we’re alive. This day is what you have. It’s a gift. You’re blessed. Take it and do the things you dream of, start it, try, begin. Don’t live in fear. Live out of faith. You’re alive, so stop spending…More

You are rich

Abundance is a mindset. If you look at your life and only see lack, then you will only want more; but, if you look and see riches and richness, you will be grateful and fulfilled. Happiness isn’t about having more; it’s about appreciating what you have.More

Live simply

What you own isn’t as important as making sure your things don’t own you.More

One simple mindset that leads to a successful life

You didn’t fail; you succeeded in trying. Don’t beat yourself up. Celebrate your courage, gumption, oomph. Now you just have to try again and again and again, remembering what you’re doing isn’t about failure, or success even. It’s about experimenting, learning, growing. It’s about living not just staying alive. So live. If you do that,…More

Are you living for the right person?

We all live for people. But are you living for the right person? Maybe you became a buttoned-up lawyer because your parents “made” you, when you really wanted to be an artist in paint-covered jeans, flicking the perfect strokes like Bob Ross, but it was too “impractical.” Now, you’re miserable.  Or, maybe you’re feeling frantic…More

True meaning

Meaning is like air to us. Without it we die. With it we soar like eagles. I just read this morning an author state that the universe doesn’t care about you or anything that happens on our planet or anywhere else. And that the only meaning we can conjure up in this cold hard world…More

This is what it costs to live a great life

There is no forever without always. There is no way to gain the riches of commitment without committing. You can have great friendships but you need to be a great friend. You can have deep connections but you need to connect deeply. You can have a life together but you have to give them your…More

This is how you make better decisions

We all want to make smart decisions. And you can, by living in the tension. Now I’m not talking about the daily decisions like eating a sandwich or salad (get the half and half, of course), or to like a photo on Instagram or not. Let’s talk about big decisions, like looking for a new…More

This is the best way to transform the world around you

The bus was taking forever. And it wasn’t just cold; it was windy, not like a gentle breeze. It was gusty, which is common in New York City. At least it was sunny. But we were still shivering while on 14th Street and 9th Ave surrounded by people who looked like arctic adventurers with the…More

This is one of the best ways to think

The best way to improve ourselves is to improve the way we think.  I recently read a great book about culture called What You Do Is Who You Are (affiliate).  It drew from some amazing events and people that showed how actions are what actually form culture. Not thought, philosophies, ideas, values, but cold hard…More