Should I Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Headlines about vaccines are splattered all over the media these days. We, all of us, are on our toes with expectation, waiting for one to work. But we may be reaching. And even if one works, that doesn’t mean it’s safe. When I was younger, before this pandemic, I never thought about vaccines. When my…More

Blog change

If we don’t evolve, we die. Or, at least, we stagnate. That also goes for this blog. So, I’m shaking things up. For a while now I’ve felt like I’m not giving you my very best with my writing here. Sorry. But it’s true. And now, I want to do something about it. I’ve wanted…More

Cookies, covid, and a confession

Three words likely have never been seen together, but there they are, in the title, all alliterated, and weird. Let me explain. A couple of weeks ago we shipped the most amount of cookies since the start of our Clean Cookie Company, but covid slowed our shipments; and we’ve got to own the fact that…More

You can survive this time

Sometimes authority is wrong. In America, it’s woefully wrong about the pandemic. Everything is not ok. It’s not safe. I’m not trying to be a fear-monger. I’m just telling you the truth. I don’t want you to get sick. I don’t want you to spread this disease to your loved ones. Look, our leaders are…More

The pandemic isn’t over

It’s a matter of life or death. What is? This: Who you’re listening to. Don’t listen to the stories, the ideological frameworks, the politics, businesses, even your own urges. Everyone has their agenda; campaigners want to win campaigns; businesses want your money; government officials want to be voted back in office; you just want everything…More

Is normal worth the risk?

Quarantining, not hugging, being isolated, fighting the virus is exhausting. All of it. We want to get back to living, normal. But friends, we mustn’t rush. Plunging into seeing people, going to the office, traveling, all of that, isn’t safe no matter what the politicians say, governments do, how those around you behave. I’m seeing…More

You Have Great Power

You are not powerless; you have a choice. You can choose to avoid the news, build a routine, exercise, connect with a friend, read a great book—hope. It’s not easy in this time, I get it. Shifting your mind from focusing on the negative to healthier activities is your decision. Decide to feed your mind…More

Finding Rest Right Now

We’re tired. Fighting a pandemic is exhausting. Even if you’re home alone or with kids or whatever, this is taking a lot more energy than we ever imagined it would. Who knew homeschooling was like herding cats and trying to teach them math. And then there’s the militaristic effort to sanitize everything—I mean everything—before it…More

Good Grieving

It’s good to grieve. We should. Because, you know, the new normal is too new and it shouldn’t be normal, and in general things just suck right now. I won’t visit my mom to avoid any chances of getting her sick. But I visited a friend while standing over six feet away from him and…More

One Great Thing From Social Distancing

Strangers are waving at me, and I find myself waving back. They smile, and so do I. And you know what? It feels really good. In all of this we’re learning to appreciate strangers. There’s a longing for connection that we all have, especially when we’re as starved of it as we are these days.…More