Create: One of the Most Powerful Ways to Start a Business

Creating is one of the greatest acts you can do when starting a business. It has the power to kickstart your venture, show your potential customers the value you can generate, and markets your abilities. And when I say “create,” what I mean is that you’re making something that can be of use to someone…More

A secret to writing even when you don’t feel worthy

One of the hardest things about writing is saying something worth sitting down to write. I know. I’m feeling it right now, as I’m trying to write this. And that’s the thing about writing; it’s often based on our feelings. When we write, we can feel not only that our work isn’t worthy enough, but…More

Mistakes Are One of the Best Things You Can Make

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is making no mistake at all. Learning new skills, trying new things, growth, solving problems all involve some sort of failing. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes; be afraid of never making anything. See, to create, to get better at a craft, you start by making…More

Create better work by doing this

Sometimes doing nothing is the best way to create something great: The creative process isn’t just about work; it’s about rest. Your mind needs time to recuperate, recover, be restored. It does that through sleep and daydreaming—doing nothing. That means staring off into space, looking out the window, letting your mind wander, dozing off to…More

One of the smartest things you can do

Getting smarter isn’t about knowing everything, it’s about admitting what you don’t know. “I don’t know,” is such a simple phrase, but many of us have difficulty saying it to ourselves let alone to others. It makes us feel weak, vulnerable, stupid. But you’re not. It’s the furthest thing from the truth. Saying “I don’t…More

Make the time to do what you love by thinking like this

Sometimes we can think that we don’t have the time to pursue what we’ve always wanted to do. But, you do. You always do. Do you know why? Because following our dream is a choice. You can choose to reprioritize your time, what you do with it, how you fill it. Stop saying yes to…More

This is the greatness you can choose

Greatness is a choice. Sometimes getting out of bed is like slaying a mythical monster. Other times it could be starting a business. But no matter what fears you face, or what fear looks like for you, facing them whatever they are is choosing to be great. Choose to defy them and live greatly. You can be…More

When creating feels impossible, you need to know this

Creating can feel like fighting nature: Impossible. Making that painting, writing that novel or blog post or, sometimes, even a sentence can make us break into a cold sweat. And it’s tempting to think, “Oh, I’ll just wait for inspiration to hit,” like a kid holding a kite as he waits for a strong wind…More

One of the best phrases to practice in life

“I’ll try.” Practicing that simple phrase will make your life rich. It will open your mind to new possibilities, friends, adventures, ideas. You will learn skills you never thought you could obtain, meet people you never thought you would know, accomplish feats you thought only possible for others. “I’ll try” is the enemy of the…More

When being imperfect can be your greatest asset

Even if you are incredibly flawed, you can still succeed and even reach great heights. You just need to be one thing: Dogged. Look at Vincent Van Gogh. For much of his life he felt like a failure, and you might be feeling like you can’t do anything right, let alone anything good. But you…More