Live your life

Too many of us live as if we were dead, but we need to live while we’re alive. This day is what you have. It’s a gift. You’re blessed. Take it and do the things you dream of, start it, try, begin. Don’t live in fear. Live out of faith. You’re alive, so stop spending…More

The new you starts here

New doesn’t mean throwing out the old. Those mistakes, that failure are things you’d like to forget—but don’t. Becoming new means taking the old and learning from it, growing through it. Just as the flower dies in winter and feeds the seed in spring, your past helps your future bloom. Without the old, you cannot…More

You are rich

Abundance is a mindset. If you look at your life and only see lack, then you will only want more; but, if you look and see riches and richness, you will be grateful and fulfilled. Happiness isn’t about having more; it’s about appreciating what you have.More

Live simply

What you own isn’t as important as making sure your things don’t own you.More

The most important thing that should matter to you

What matters, really? Your life does. The very fact you get to breathe, wake up, chit chat with your neighbors is paramount. Without it everything else wouldn’t matter. Another thing that matters are relationships, getting to be with loved ones, the people who really love you and whom you love—for whom you would die—and know.…More

One simple mindset that leads to a successful life

You didn’t fail; you succeeded in trying. Don’t beat yourself up. Celebrate your courage, gumption, oomph. Now you just have to try again and again and again, remembering what you’re doing isn’t about failure, or success even. It’s about experimenting, learning, growing. It’s about living not just staying alive. So live. If you do that,…More

You need to know that you’re more than just you

“Just” is a word we should use sparingly with ourselves. “I’m just a mom,” or “I’m just an employee,” or “I’m just a woman,” or “I’m just a child.” “Just” limits you. It strips away the potential you have, what you can reach. You aren’t just you. You are becoming, always. You are changing, growing,…More