Finding meaning when everything feels meaningless

Sometimes life feels…well—empty—devoid of purpose. It’s easy to feel like a hamster running on a stupid wheel. But that’s wrong. Life’s not purposeless. And you’re not a hamster. But I know the feeling of waking up and wondering why you’re even bothering. Why even open your eyes, get out of bed, get ready to go…More

True strength

True strength isn’t about how much weight you can throw around in the gym; rather, it’s about your ability to carry the burdens of others. It’s certainly not about how many people you can hurt, but it’s about those you can heal. The strongest of us shouldn’t spend our energy trying to control anyone else…More

You are rich

If you can’t enjoy what you have, you’ll never appreciate what you want. If you learn to feel rich in every moment, getting what you hope for will only make you richer. Gratitude gives you abundance even when you may have relatively little. And if you have nothing, you can still be grateful for life.…More

When unlearning is the greatest lesson

Unlearning is sometimes the best learning you can do. For often you limit the understanding of how high you can climb or how far you can go or how great you can become; but those thoughts are often untrue, wrong. Examine them. Dismantle those limiting notions, the dark stories from your childhood, those demeaning words…More

One of the best friends you should have

We are often our own worst enemy because we haven’t learned how to be our own greatest friend: We criticize ourselves when we should encourage, rage against when we should extend peace, yell at when we should listen, hate when we should love. We shouldn’t just be kind to ourselves; we need to support and…More

You need to know that you’re more than just you

“Just” is a word we should use sparingly with ourselves. “I’m just a mom,” or “I’m just an employee,” or “I’m just a woman,” or “I’m just a child.” “Just” limits you. It strips away the potential you have, what you can reach. You aren’t just you. You are becoming, always. You are changing, growing,…More

Are you living for the right person?

We all live for people. But are you living for the right person? Maybe you became a buttoned-up lawyer because your parents “made” you, when you really wanted to be an artist in paint-covered jeans, flicking the perfect strokes like Bob Ross, but it was too “impractical.” Now, you’re miserable.  Or, maybe you’re feeling frantic…More

True meaning

Meaning is like air to us. Without it we die. With it we soar like eagles. I just read this morning an author state that the universe doesn’t care about you or anything that happens on our planet or anywhere else. And that the only meaning we can conjure up in this cold hard world…More

This is the best way to transform the world around you

The bus was taking forever. And it wasn’t just cold; it was windy, not like a gentle breeze. It was gusty, which is common in New York City. At least it was sunny. But we were still shivering while on 14th Street and 9th Ave surrounded by people who looked like arctic adventurers with the…More