We started a podcast

So…a friend and I started a podcast. There’s a lot of confessing, challenging, a bit of conflict, and a touch of cussing. But most of all it’s a conversation between friends. This project grew out of years of relationship and talking about our ventures and missteps and learnings and stories. And we want to share…More

Grow today

Just because a pandemic is driving us all crazy doesn’t mean you can’t grow today. Try something new: Learn a new language, an unfamiliar musical instrument, paint a painting, write poetry, code, cook a strange dish, blog. Anything.  Yes, it will make you feel like you have a dunce hat on, unsure of yourself, a…More

Get things done when working from home (even with kids)

Working from home can sound fantastic, with all of that freedom and no commute, but it’s not always easy.  Sometimes it can feel impossible. But it’s not.  Yes, you get to roll out of bed and be at your desk in a couple of steps without even needing to put a shred of clothing on…More

One of the smartest things you can do

Getting smarter isn’t about knowing everything, it’s about admitting what you don’t know. “I don’t know,” is such a simple phrase, but many of us have difficulty saying it to ourselves let alone to others. It makes us feel weak, vulnerable, stupid. But you’re not. It’s the furthest thing from the truth. Saying “I don’t…More

Make the time to do what you love by thinking like this

Sometimes we can think that we don’t have the time to pursue what we’ve always wanted to do. But, you do. You always do. Do you know why? Because following our dream is a choice. You can choose to reprioritize your time, what you do with it, how you fill it. Stop saying yes to…More

When creating feels impossible, you need to know this

Creating can feel like fighting nature: Impossible. Making that painting, writing that novel or blog post or, sometimes, even a sentence can make us break into a cold sweat. And it’s tempting to think, “Oh, I’ll just wait for inspiration to hit,” like a kid holding a kite as he waits for a strong wind…More

One of the best phrases to practice in life

“I’ll try.” Practicing that simple phrase will make your life rich. It will open your mind to new possibilities, friends, adventures, ideas. You will learn skills you never thought you could obtain, meet people you never thought you would know, accomplish feats you thought only possible for others. “I’ll try” is the enemy of the…More

Do you know how valuable your time is?

No matter how much you can charge per hour, $1000 or $10, your time is precious. It’s the one resource you will pine for most at the end of your life. Money, houses, or stuff won’t be what you want, no—it’s more time. Don’t just spend it well; invest it wisely. Consider your hours thoughtfully.…More

This is one of the best ways to reach your goals

The key to accomplishing big goals is making tiny ones. Big goals are overwhelming, distant, intimidating, scary. They freeze us in panic. Like deer caught on the road by headlights, we get paralyzed. But it doesn’t need to be that way. You may want to lose fifty pounds, run a marathon, pivot your career, start…More

One of the best things you can do to create

Sometimes to make creative work, the thing we need most is this. Rest. You’re at your desk, sweating (metaphorically) and pounding away (literally) trying to get a good idea, but the only thing you produce is nothing. “Maybe I just need to work harder,” you might say to yourself. And still, nothing happens. So you…More