This Is What Love Looks Like

I have an uncle that I admire. His name is Rick. You probably don’t know him. But, if you did, you would sense that he’s different. He’s one of the most loving guys I know. And we can all learn from him. When he wants to talk to my wife or me, he will call…More

You Have Great Power

You are not powerless; you have a choice. You can choose to avoid the news, build a routine, exercise, connect with a friend, read a great book—hope. It’s not easy in this time, I get it. Shifting your mind from focusing on the negative to healthier activities is your decision. Decide to feed your mind…More

This Is How I See You

You are glorious. You are lovely; you are loved. You are a child, a daughter, a son, family, a friend. You are valuable regardless of your story, your brokenness, your failures. You are beautiful. You are radiant. I see it in you; you can too. Love yourself. See yourself. Look into your face. Don’t note…More

When You Savor Life, You Are Rich

An urgency to live well grows in us when we see our parents growing old. Or at least that’s what happened to me yesterday.  “It felt like a few days ago when we took these pictures,” my mom said to my son as she showed him an album of Polaroid pictures of me when I…More

A Way Towards Prosperity and Peace

Worrying is such a waste of time. Your mind is consumed with all of the things you can’t control: the future, the pandemic, your kids. You’re not doing anything productive, moving the needle in any positive way. You’re just wallowing in the unknown. Instead focus your thoughts on the present, what you can do right…More

These Are the Rules You Should Break

Some rules are stupid. For example, some people think you shouldn’t ask your boss for a raise because that would upset them. Or you shouldn’t pursue your dream because it’s too risky. Or you shouldn’t invest in the market because you could lose money. Or you shouldn’t get married because happy marriages rarely happen. But…More

The Best Way You Can See Your Mistakes

The mistakes you’ve made are never just a mistake. They’re gifts. You see, the worst things in life can become the best. I got fired in my twenties from the only career path I was qualified for. It was what I got my master’s degree in for goodness sake. Sure, I thought my future was…More

Transform Your Life With Better Expectations

To avoid disappointment don’t lower your expectations; lengthen them. No one wants to be disappointed. And to prevent it some of us think it’s better to lower our expectations or, worse, kill them completely. But, that doesn’t work. Lowering your expectations is like giving up and it’s almost practically impossible to do. If you expect…More

Finding Rest Right Now

We’re tired. Fighting a pandemic is exhausting. Even if you’re home alone or with kids or whatever, this is taking a lot more energy than we ever imagined it would. Who knew homeschooling was like herding cats and trying to teach them math. And then there’s the militaristic effort to sanitize everything—I mean everything—before it…More

Be More Unrealistic

“Let’s be realistic,” is a dream killing phrase, and I hate it. Don’t be realistic. Be foolish. Do that thing everyone says don’t do. Try that crazy idea that everyone says will fail. Go to that place everyone tells you not to go to. Failure is better than regret. With the former you learn. With…More