One of the best words to use when you feel bad

“Again” is a common word, but for those who’ve failed, been rejected, feel ashamed, it’s incredibly powerful. It means you get to start afresh; you get to find new love or rekindle an old one after feeling unlovable; you get to do that thing you never thought you would be able to do after failing…More

This is the best way to see your story

The story of your life is unfolding right now, at this very moment. Choose what you will do today, how you will invest your time, what you will learn, how you will grow, who you will be. The pen is in your hand; the ink is flowing. Tell your story. Tell it the way you…More

A truth that will help you reach your dreams

You are greater than you know. You are more than you believe. No matter what credentials, diplomas, status, or net worth you have (or don’t have), you possess the power to change your surroundings, your habits, your career, your life. You are more powerful than you know. What you say, think, and do impacts those…More

I want you to be blessed

Peace. Let it wash over you, soothing you like an embrace of a loved one, as you ease yourself into this vision. You are in a beautiful garden, surrounded by blooming flowers, red, orange, violet, indigo, yellow. The green is greener than you’ve ever seen it, covering rolling hills, treetops, bushes. It’s vibrant and rich.…More

An important thing I learned from being laughed at

Everyone laughed, and I was the butt of the joke. I hated it. But I realized something about life.  A group of us sat around a large circular dining table, and a newly married couple started talking about how they met. It was a great story with surprising twists and turns. And then a guy…More

Sometimes to forget is the most powerful thing you can do

Sometimes forgetting is the best thing you can do to become who you were meant to be. Forget that you feel like a failure and that you can’t do this or that and the mistake you made back then. Forget thinking that you’re not enough, that you don’t look a certain way, have the credentials,…More

This book will blow your mind

If you haven’t read Range, by David Epstein (affiliate), you need to. It will change the way you think about thinking. Most of the world holds the notion that experts are what we need, people who are hyper specialized. Ten thousand hours are what it takes to succeed, is the belief (it’s what I believed).…More

The truth you need to know about your pain

Pain. It marks and makes us. The death of a loved one, the breaking of love, the broken promises, the promising future never realized, the realization that your body won’t stop aching…causes us great grief; but they often act as the compass of life, directing us to our true north. Who would we be without…More

One of the most important people we forget to be kind to

Be kind to yourself today.  You might have screwed up, but you’re not a screwup.  You might have made a mistake, but you aren’t a mistake.  You are worthy. You are lovable. You are beautiful.  Punishing yourself will not right the wrong. That would only add to it.  Forgive yourself. Let it go. Move forward. …More

The one thing you need to make more of to grow: mistakes

Perfectionism doesn’t help us progress; mistakes do.  With the right mindset, they push us forward. We need to know that succeeding isn’t neat and tidy; it’s sloppy and messy. It’s mistake-ridden.  When you make a mistake, it lays the groundwork for improvement. Every failure is an attempt to do something. And in those attempts, you…More