The truth you need to know about your pain

Pain. It marks and makes us. The death of a loved one, the breaking of love, the broken promises, the promising future never realized, the realization that your body won’t stop aching…causes us great grief; but they often act as the compass of life, directing us to our true north. Who would we be without…More

One of the most important people we forget to be kind to

Be kind to yourself today.  You might have screwed up, but you’re not a screwup.  You might have made a mistake, but you aren’t a mistake.  You are worthy. You are lovable. You are beautiful.  Punishing yourself will not right the wrong. That would only add to it.  Forgive yourself. Let it go. Move forward. …More

You don’t need to be angry

A gas station attendant made me pay a dollar for hot water (which I thought was absurd) and treated me rudely. And I learned something. It was compassion. It was a magical day. My family and I went apple picking. We drove down two-lane highways surrounded by wood and canopied by leafy branches that were…More

The one thing you need to make more of to grow: mistakes

Perfectionism doesn’t help us progress; mistakes do.  With the right mindset, they push us forward. We need to know that succeeding isn’t neat and tidy; it’s sloppy and messy. It’s mistake-ridden.  When you make a mistake, it lays the groundwork for improvement. Every failure is an attempt to do something. And in those attempts, you…More

You need to know that you really are enough

No matter how many likes, hearts, or comments you get, you are enough. Yes. You are.  We’ve always lived in a world where we’ve compared ourselves with others; the problem is now we have ample data to measure our comparisons.  If we get less engagement than we want on a post, we feel like we…More

Today is the most powerful day you have

Today you can start changing your life. Right now. This moment. The career change you wanted to make, the life partner you wanted to find, the blog you’ve talked about starting, today you can do something about them.  The past needn’t define you. The present is everyone’s opportunity to redefine themselves.  The future is too…More

One of the best ways to become happy

More. It’s one of the greatest lies there is.  More money, more sex, more friends, more cars, more education, more this, more that will help me be happy, fulfilled, feel better about myself. But it never does.  Yes, More can bring happiness. But it’s there; then it’s not. It’s a flash, a moment. Then it’s…More

Sometimes rest is the best thing for your work

We want to succeed, improve our work, write better. So we grind away, working more, harder, believing that’s what we should do.  But that’s wrong.  Yes, we need to work hard. And yes, that often equates to long hours, dogged days, grinding away.  Yet, there are times when no matter how many hours you put…More

One of the most powerful things you can do for yourself: Forgive

We all make mistakes, and we forgive others. But often forgiving ourselves is harder.  But we must.  Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s that thing you did or continue doing that you can’t release and forgive yourself. Instead, you punish.  I know all about that.  Defiance marked my teenage face, as I screamed…More

Do you know how valuable you really are?

You are more valuable than you think you are, believe you are.  Even with all of your mistakes, guilt, shame, sin, flaws, and failures, you are worth more than all of the gold in the world.  The people who told you you are worthless lied to you. They spoke out of their shame and lack…More