One of the best phrases to practice in life

“I’ll try.” Practicing that simple phrase will make your life rich. It will open your mind to new possibilities, friends, adventures, ideas. You will learn skills you never thought you could obtain, meet people you never thought you would know, accomplish feats you thought only possible for others. “I’ll try” is the enemy of the…More

This is the way to become greater

You have greatness inside of you. It’s there. But it does not speak in a loud, clear voice—but in a purr—slight sensations reverberating in your spirit. It beckons you to do the right thing, help that person in need, go above and beyond—love fiercely. Attune your heart to hear its call. For that is what…More

To succeed you need to know this

Failure is a part of the process of succeeding. You can’t have one without the other. So don’t despair when you don’t see the results you want, make a mistake on that project, or fail to find the right answer. Learn from it. Grow from it. Walk away stronger, smarter, better, and persist in pushing…More

This is one of the smartest things you can do

It’s easy to feel stupid when you’re trying something new. But you’re not. I’ve been there. I felt that when I started this blog, my businesses, and pretty much every other venture I’ve tried. But you are not stupid for trying. It would be stupid not to. There are too many people who’ve lived halfhearted…More

One of the best doubts you can have

Not all doubts are bad. Some point you in the right direction. After you commit to running your first marathon or that ambitious project at work or some big goal you’ve always dreamed of accomplishing, that’s when you can hear a voice inside of your head saying, “No way; I can’t do that.” It happens…More

You can make today a better day

Don’t let the day make you. You can make the day. Today isn’t fixed, set, immovable. You can change it, mold it, move it. Yes, you can’t manipulate time. It’s immovable–unstoppable. But you can start to arrange how you spend your time. What you do with your hours, minutes, and seconds is in your hands,…More

One of the best ways to get a growth mindset

Growth happens when we try something new. But starting that new thing can be difficult; sometimes it feels impossible. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. You can break free and grow in ways you never thought possible by doing this.   Experimenting. More

I want you to have true peace

Rest isn’t just the sleep we get; it’s a state of inner being that we need. It’s beyond memory foam pillows, Egyptian Cotton sheets, and goose feather duvets. We seek an inner stillness, a quietude in our soul. So stop and relax your shoulders; quiet the voices clamoring in your mind. Focus on your breath.…More

Feel hated? You need to know this

Sometimes you feel cursed, diseased, abandoned, betrayed when you try to live courageously, greatly. But you are not alone. Some people hate me, despise me, think me despicable, talk behind my back, consider me bad. And some of them even smile at me, tell me they love me, hug me, and wish me well. But…More

This is one of the best ways to reach your goals

The key to accomplishing big goals is making tiny ones. Big goals are overwhelming, distant, intimidating, scary. They freeze us in panic. Like deer caught on the road by headlights, we get paralyzed. But it doesn’t need to be that way. You may want to lose fifty pounds, run a marathon, pivot your career, start…More