One of the best phrases to practice in life

“I’ll try.” Practicing that simple phrase will make your life rich. It will open your mind to new possibilities, friends, adventures, ideas. You will learn skills you never thought you could obtain, meet people you never thought you would know, accomplish feats you thought only possible for others. “I’ll try” is the enemy of the…More

Do you know how valuable your time is?

No matter how much you can charge per hour, $1000 or $10, your time is precious. It’s the one resource you will pine for most at the end of your life. Money, houses, or stuff won’t be what you want, no—it’s more time. Don’t just spend it well; invest it wisely. Consider your hours thoughtfully.…More

These words are for your joy

Children laugh, playing and chasing one another, as time is forgotten and unattended, unencumbered by worry, drenched in innocence. Holiday songs float from merry mouths of people who love the holidays and song, carrying the tune on silvery waves of sound, filled with the melodies of delight. Memories retold around a table with the remnants…More

Do you know how powerful your words are?

What we say to ourselves shapes us. The words you use form the way you think, and the way you think changes how you behave, and the way you behave affects how you live, and the way you live can transform your life. Well-chosen words breathe hope into us when our spirits are broken, revive…More

I want you to have true peace

Rest isn’t just the sleep we get; it’s a state of inner being that we need. It’s beyond memory foam pillows, Egyptian Cotton sheets, and goose feather duvets. We seek an inner stillness, a quietude in our soul. So stop and relax your shoulders; quiet the voices clamoring in your mind. Focus on your breath.…More

You can overcome your doubt

Doubt is a weed that grows in the gardens of our minds. It can choke our dreams and kill our hopes. And the words “I can’t” start to infiltrate our thoughts. But doubt is a weed, not the flower, nor fruit. That’s the truth, and we the gardener. So tend your mind, care for it,…More

Sometimes surviving is the best you should do

Some days just suck and feel like hell. That’s when the best thing you can do is survive.  It’s when you want to throw up your hands and just give in and quit that you need to know this.  Sometimes surviving is good enough.  When everything seems to go wrong, and you feel like a…More

I want you to be blessed

Peace. Let it wash over you, soothing you like an embrace of a loved one, as you ease yourself into this vision. You are in a beautiful garden, surrounded by blooming flowers, red, orange, violet, indigo, yellow. The green is greener than you’ve ever seen it, covering rolling hills, treetops, bushes. It’s vibrant and rich.…More

One of the most important people we forget to be kind to

Be kind to yourself today.  You might have screwed up, but you’re not a screwup.  You might have made a mistake, but you aren’t a mistake.  You are worthy. You are lovable. You are beautiful.  Punishing yourself will not right the wrong. That would only add to it.  Forgive yourself. Let it go. Move forward. …More

You don’t need to be angry

A gas station attendant made me pay a dollar for hot water (which I thought was absurd) and treated me rudely. And I learned something. It was compassion. It was a magical day. My family and I went apple picking. We drove down two-lane highways surrounded by wood and canopied by leafy branches that were…More