You can make today a great day

Every day presents an opportunity to rise to the occasion. Who you become, what you will do, what you will say “no” to, are all before you. They are a choice. You can choose. Choose well. And rise.More

You’re worthier than you know

“You don’t belong here,” or “These people are better than you,” are words that can creep into our minds. But they shouldn’t. There are times in our lives and careers when we feel like imposters, sneaking into a room full of “worthier” people than ourselves, wondering how we got here. But you’re not an imposter!…More

Accomplish more by thinking like this

“You need to be more ‘realistic’” is a phrase that we hear. We say it to ourselves. But that is shaping our mindset, and it’s stifling you. Mediocrity is borne on such words. That’s how the status quo is preserved, and growth is hindered. You won’t push beyond your limits by thinking realistically. Dreams are…More

Love yourself when you make a mistake

When we make a mistake, we might be harsh with others. But the person we are often harshest with isn’t anyone around us. It’s ourselves. Sure, you made a mistake. Yes, it was terrible. But why make it worse? Why punish yourself more? The mistake is bad enough. Let it go. Punishing yourself won’t change…More

You need to know this about failure to succeed

Failing isn’t just failure. It’s a sign that you are trying, attempting—alive. When you fail, it doesn’t mean you’re silly or a loser or even a failure. No. It says you tried doing something outside of your comfort zone. It means you’re an explorer, adventurer, believer. You’re courageous. You know that life isn’t just about…More

When creating feels impossible, you need to know this

Creating can feel like fighting nature: Impossible. Making that painting, writing that novel or blog post or, sometimes, even a sentence can make us break into a cold sweat. And it’s tempting to think, “Oh, I’ll just wait for inspiration to hit,” like a kid holding a kite as he waits for a strong wind…More

This is the best way to think about your future

Your past doesn’t determine your future. What has happened to you is only a part of your story, and even a part of you—but it is not you. So stop your mind’s eye from reaching back into darkened memories, pondering mistakes made. Worry not. Past failures don’t ruin all that is ahead. That is continually…More

One of the best phrases to practice in life

“I’ll try.” Practicing that simple phrase will make your life rich. It will open your mind to new possibilities, friends, adventures, ideas. You will learn skills you never thought you could obtain, meet people you never thought you would know, accomplish feats you thought only possible for others. “I’ll try” is the enemy of the…More

One of the best doubts you can have

Not all doubts are bad. Some point you in the right direction. After you commit to running your first marathon or that ambitious project at work or some big goal you’ve always dreamed of accomplishing, that’s when you can hear a voice inside of your head saying, “No way; I can’t do that.” It happens…More

One of the best ways to get a growth mindset

Growth happens when we try something new. But starting that new thing can be difficult; sometimes it feels impossible. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. You can break free and grow in ways you never thought possible by doing this.   Experimenting. More